Activation rider


You must use our primary logo in black or white when communicating the partnership.


Need other versions, file types or similar?


Midnight Blue


C: 100%
M: 100%
Y: 23%
K: 36%

Pantone: 273 C

Neon Green


C: 28%
M: 0%
Y: 100%
K: 0%

Pantone: 380 C

Orchid Pink


C: 11%
M: 41%
Y: 0%
K: 0%

Pantone: 244 C

Ice Blue


C: 50%
M: 0%
Y: 20%
K: 0%

Pantone: 319 C

Snow White


C: 0%
M: 0%
Y: 0%
K: 0%

Pantone: 000 C

Big screens


w: 618 x h: 1080  
IMAG Screen 2x (4 x 7 m)

Avoid important messages/graphics in the margin (10 px).

Format: Video (without sound), graphics or images (MP4 or PNG)
Video must be delivered as movie files (animation codec)

Max lenght: 30 seconds

Timing: In loop throughout the festival – shown twice an hour.

Won’t play while artists are playing on stage, but will continue to be play on the opposite stage.


  • All creatives on big screens must be developed specifically for the festival.
  • The message must speak into a festival relevant context and must not be general advertising.


May 06: Material is sent for approval at Tinderbox. 
May 10: Feedback.
May 17: Delevery of final files.

Files are sent to 

Fance banners


w: 339cm x h: 173cm


  • All creatives on fence banners must be developed specifically for the festival.
  • The message must speak into a festival relevant context and must not be general advertising.


May 06: Material is sent for approval at Tinderbox. 
May 10: Feedback.
May 17: Delevery of final files.

Files are sent to 

NB: Tinderbox has the opportunity of printing the fence banners, where the partner cover the costs themselves.

Ticket raffle: Tickets for Tinderbox in external competition

If you as a partner have rights to give away festival tickets in external competitions; material, message and campaign must always be pre-approved by Tinderbox.

The competition winners’ information (full name and valid e-mail) must be sent to no later than 30 May 2024.

NOTE: Competition tickets are part of Tinderbox’s total capacity, and can therefore be sold out on equal terms with the total offer of tickets.

PUSH messages via the app

If you as a partner have rights to send out PUSH messages via the Tinderbox app, the message must always be pre-approved by Tinderbox.

Max. number of signs
Headline: 30 signs
Body: 100 signs
it is possible to use emoticons.

Content should be sent to no later than June 11 2024.

Guidelines and conditions: Content creators
  • The right to create content on the site applies in relation to the activation of the company and the general festival atmosphere.
  • Artists may not be recorded under any circumstances – neither sound nor stage shots.
  • The individual photographer / content creator / influencer is responsible for obtaining consent cf. the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
  • Last but not least – remember it’s a festival where people are there to have fun – show consideration when you’re out making content.

Need other logos, have questions regarding specs or similar? Contact Partnership Activation Manager Tenna Brendstrup at

Need an overview of the practice during the build up and tear down days or the festival site’s opening hours?

Read our production rider here.