THank you for a fantastic festival!

You were magical and contributed to an immensely good atmosphere at the festival.

If you would like to volunteer for TB25, you can sign up here in the form. Our clear recommendation is to choose the team you have been on before. 

NOTE: You are not registered as a volunteer by signing up here. This is just a wish well. We will of course try to fulfill all wishes as best as we can.

Have you been a volunteer at TB24? *

Become part of our volunteer community on Facebook.


  • Fun, hard, and ‘hyggelige’ days with the rest of the volunteer crew.
  • Access to all three days of the festival which ofc. includes lots of concerts, lots of parties, and lots of drinks (btw. you get a discount when volunteering).
  • A reusable water bottle.
  • Meals while you’re on shift.
  • Experience to put on your resume, and a look behind the scenes of one of the biggest music festivals in Denmark.

In the meantime if you need to reach us 👉 volunteer@tinderbox.dk

Associations at tinderbox

Being a volunteer at Tinderbox comes with many fantastic benefits! Learn more in the video below, where Johannes and Jeppe from Ringe Gymnastikforening share their experience of being volunteer members at the festival.