Here you’ll find answers to the most basic information about TB Camping.
Access: Access to TB Camping is only granted with a valid festival ticket for the respective day and a valid camping ticket
Location: Fyens Væddeløbsbane, Prins Haralds Alle 51B, 5250 Odense SV
Opening hours: Thursday 26th June 10AM – Sunday 29th June 12PM
Food and drinks: Feel free to bring your own food and drinks to the camping area. It will also be possible to purchase breakfast and drinks on-site.
Music: Bringing a small speaker is allowed. Bringing bigger items such as a Soundboks or similar, car batteries or similar is not allowed. There must be quiet on the campsite at 12.00 a.m.
WiFi: No
Parking: Parking will be available at Væddeløbsbanen. Check the tickets available on the ticket page. When you buy a ticket for a Camping Unit, parking for 1 car is included.
Electricity connection: Please refer to the specific accommodation types.
Shower: Yes, there are shower trailers.
Kitchen: No.
Video surveillance: Yes.
Patrolling guards: Yes.
Open fire: Not allowed.
Pavilions: Not allowed.
Various furniture (e.g., sofas or foosball tables): Not allowed.
Check-out: Before leaving the camp, you must check out with the staff. Once your camp has been approved, the refund of your deposit will be initiated.
Deposit: The refund of the deposit will occur no later than 3 weeks after the end of the festival, as long as you meet the requirements.
Drugs: There is zero tolerance for drugs of any kind. Dealing in and possession of drugs will result in immediate expulsion and police involvement.